Games and Projects


Purges _______ NEW! _______

Purges is my new twin-stick shooter game. Featuring

  1. Procedurally generated levels
  2. 2 player co-op
  3. Hard fun!


Terraship is an arcade space shooter game where you shoot rocks and enemies in a retro style digital world. Featuring:

  1. 2 regions with varying enemies and themes
  2. 2 minigames
  3. 1 bossfight
  4. Online leaderboard
Android, Windows


ATOM is a minimal aim and shoot game. Aim your way through varying objectives and challenges. Featuring:

  1. 30 levels
  2. 3 game modes
  3. Customizable skin
Android, Windows


This page!

Check no projects further! I made this page by my own! Using tools that I like to learn.

  1. SvelteKit
  2. Tailwind CSS

There are also an old version of this page that you can check here

TechShop E-commerce

TechShop is an imaginary online shop that sells tech gadgets.

  1. React
  2. Bootstrap