
Here are some technology that I used to work with. Please contace me if you have further questions.

web development

SvelteKit, React,

Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap,

Vite, Vercel

FYI this website was made using SvelteKit and TailwindCSS and my old website was made with React and Bootstrap.

You can check out my old page here! [link]

game development / graphics

Unity Engine, Godot Engine,


I like making games and play my own!

programming languages

preferred languages

C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python

other known languages

C, C++, Java, SQL

These languages tied to the mentioned frameworks.

other skills

version control


graphic design

Krita, Clip Studio Paint, Asesprite

'human' languages

English upper intermediate , Japanese beginner , Vietnamese native

I do a lot of stuff that might come in handy!


Mostly self taught!

Computer Science degree at Can Tho University

Again, please contact me for details